Customized Food and Candy in Bulk.

Only Quality Custom Food & Candy.

The fastest way to your customer's heart is through the stomach. That means Logotech's promotional food and candy options are the fastest way to Get Noticed!

How can you use custom food, candy, drinks and snacks to entice customers to try your brand?

Order gourmet cheese and meat sets for your holiday presents, client anniversaries, closing gifts, and any special event. Food themed sets are a perfect client thank you gift. We have custom wine and cheese sets, popcorn tins, chocolate and nut sets, and many more! 

If you are looking for budget-friendly options combined with sweetness, buy imprinted and wrapped candies or snack packs. They are perfect for parades, trade shows, and office candy dishes. Your brand impression remains after the snack is gone. Whether you want sweet, salty or savory snacks, we have a food option for your client tastes. 

Does your company take part in community events? Be the booth giving out candies for the children with your logo imprinted on them. They will ensure parents stop at your booth, giving them a chance to learn about your products and services.

The promotions do not end once the food runs out. Many custom sets include more than food. Some come with cutting boards, colanders, or even knives. Once your client eats the gift your logo sticks around long after! Reusable popcorn, cookies -- or even gum and mints tins -- are a good option for your logo.

Whether you want the crunch of an Idaho potato chip; cheese and meat direct from Wisconsin; a sweet California red; or Chicago popcorn; we have the custom food option for you. 

Contact Logotech today to put in your promotional food and candy order!

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